Joshua T. Crain Law Blog

Tennessee Drug Trafficking Law & Penalties

Under TN Code §39-17-417, drug trafficking is charged as a class B felony when the drug is a Schedule I controlled substance. Controlled substances considered to be Schedule I drugs have no medical use and the highest potential for abuse, such as heroin or LSD. If convicted, you may be sentenced to between 8-30 years in prison and fined up to $100,000.

If the substance being trafficked is Flunitrazepam, this is a class C felony, punishable anywhere from 3-15 years in prison and a fine of $100,000. If the trafficked substance is a Schedule IV drug, this is a class D felony, punishable by 2-12 years in prison and a fine of $50,000. Examples of Schedule IV substances include Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin. Schedule IV drugs have a lower potential for abuse and an accepted medical use.

If you face charges like these, you need to consult with an experienced Murfreesboro, TN, drug trafficking lawyer as soon as possible.

Collateral Consequences

Completion of your sentence does not mean that a drug trafficking conviction is behind you. A drug trafficking offense will remain on your criminal record for life, with your name remaining on the Tennessee Drug Offender Registry for ten years. The registry is available to the public, resulting in your neighbors knowing of your past transgression.

With most halfway houses being at capacity, you will need to make your own living arrangements at some point. Landlords typically run background checks for potential tenants, and they are likely to deny you housing once they see you served time. Renting aside, if you are lucky enough to afford a home, a lender has no obligation to approve your loan.

Even though an employer is not allowed to deny someone a position due to their criminal record, unless the criminal offense directly impacts the person’s ability to perform the job, employers do it regularly. To make matters worse, you may be denied certain government benefits that you once received, placing you in financial hardship if you are unable to obtain employment.

Once you have been convicted of drug trafficking, you will be banned from owning a gun for the rest of your life. You will only be eligible to regain your gun rights by being pardoned by the governor, which will cause your offense to be expunged (removed from your record).

Tenacious Representation Against Drug Trafficking Charges

Given the gravity of a drug trafficking offense, it is important that you take all possible measures to avoid a conviction. At The Law Offices of Joshua T. Crain, we strive to provide tenacious representation to every defendant who walks through our doors. With experience as an Assistant District Attorney, our Murfreesboro, TN, drug crime attorney will know what tactics the prosecution will try and what defense strategies to employ.

Resolute Representation from a Murfreesboro, TN, Drug Crime Defense Attorney

If you are facing drug trafficking charges, you do not want to leave your defense to just anyone. When you work with Attorney Joshua Crain, you are working with someone who cares deeply about securing you a positive case outcome. To speak with our Murfreesboro drug crime attorney, contact us online or by phone.