Joshua T. Crain Law Blog

Steps to Take If You Have Been Assaulted on Your College Campus

Incidents of sexual assault are more common on a college campus than you might think, with one in five women and one in 16 men being assaulted while attending school. With victims being afraid of reporting the incident, approximately 90% of sexual assaults are undisclosed. If you are a student who has experienced a sexual assault, the perpetrator should be punished for this heinous conduct.

In this blog, our Murfreesboro, TN, sexual assault attorney discusses what steps you should take to ensure your safety and measures to allow the state to take legal action following an assault.

Find a Safe Person and Place

In the aftermath of a sexual assault, it is crucial that you find a person who you feel safe speaking to about the incident. Even if you do not feel ready to go to the authorities, talking to another person can help you feel a sense of security. Be aware that the assault is not your fault. Blaming yourself will only make you question your actions, which will be of no help to your mental and physical recovery.

Seek Medical Attention

Even if you do not have lacerations or bruises, you should go to the hospital. A medical exam can reveal injuries that you may be unaware of, although you will want to avoid showering, changing your clothing, or doing anything that could destroy evidence. A physician will likely perform a sexual assault forensic exam, which will consist of the following:

Report the Incident to Campus Security

As soon as possible following the assault, you should report the incident to campus security. Campus security cares about your safety, and they will most likely investigate the situation and implement new procedures to avoid it from happening again. Most schools have services for sexual assault victims, so by reporting the incident to your college, you are ensuring that your well-being will be addressed.

Report the Incident to the Police

For the state to take legal action, you will need to report the sexual assault to the police. Law enforcement will conduct their own investigation, gathering physical evidence from the crime scene, interviewing the alleged perpetrator, and examining DNA evidence.

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation uses SAMS Track, which is a web-based application that allows sexual assault victims to track the status of sexual assault kits as they move through the criminal justice system. This will allow you to see how the investigation is progressing.

Experienced Sexual Assault? Speak with a Murfreesboro, TN, Sexual Assault Attorney Today

Many sexual assault victims feel ashamed of what happened to them, unable to move past the ordeal. If you or a loved one have been a victim of sexual assault on a college campus, Attorney Joshua Crain will offer you compassionate and dedicated representation. If you are ready to discuss your case, contact us online or by phone to arrange your initial consultation.