Solicitation of a Sex Act

You Are Innocent until Proven Guilty.

Tennessee Solicitation of a Sex Act

Soliciting a sexual act or hiring the services of a prostitute are both illegal acts in Tennessee. If you have been charged with solicitation, you could be sentenced to time in prison and be forced to pay steep fines. This is why a solicitation charge should be taken seriously. The moment you learn you are facing criminal allegations is the time to call an experienced Tennessee sex crimes attorney.

What is Sexual Solicitation?

Sexual solicitation is the act of offering money or something of value in exchange for sex. While it is understood that prostitution, or offering sexual services in exchange for money, is illegal, it is also unlawful to patronize a prostitute or promote a prostitute’s services.

Tennessee Laws Against Solicitation

Tennessee laws prohibit the following types of sexual acts:


Tennessee law defines prostitution as the act of offering sexual activity for business purposes. The prostitute may work in a brothel, house of prostitution, or loiter in a public place to solicit services.

Under Tennessee Code §39-13-513, prostitution is a Class B misdemeanor. A Class B misdemeanor offense carries a prison term of six months and a fine of $500.

However, if the act was committed 100 feet from a church or 1.5 miles from a school, then the offense is a Class A misdemeanor. If the individual is found guilty of prostitution and the act was committed within 1.5 miles of a school, then the defendant will be imprisoned for at least seven days and fined $1,000.

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Patronizing Prostitution

An individual who enters a brothel or house of prostitution with the intention of engaging in sexual activity or hires the services of a prostitute is guilty of patronizing prostitution. Under Tennessee Code §39-13-514, patronizing a prostitute is a Class A misdemeanor. A conviction under this statute carries a maximum prison sentence of 11 months, 29 days, and a fine of $2,500.

If an individual is engaging in prostitution services within 1.5 miles of a school, the person will be incarcerated for a minimum of seven days and fined $1,000.

Promoting Prostitution

Commonly referred to as “pimping,” managing a brothel, finding prostitutes to work for you, or encouraging a person to become a prostitute are all illicit activities under the law.

If the prostitute is an adult, you will be charged with a Class E felony, punishable by up to six years in prison and a fine of $3,000. If the prostitute is a minor, then you will be charged with trafficking for a commercial sex act.

Aggravated Prostitution

Under Tennessee law, an individual who knows that he or she is HIV positive and engages in sexual conduct for business purposes is guilty of aggravated prostitution. It is a Class C felony offense, punishable by up to 15 years in prison and a fine of $10,000.

Speak with a Tennessee Sex Crimes Defense Attorney Today

If you have been charged with a sex crime, you need a legal advocate who will fight for you. With almost 20 years of criminal defense experience and six years spent as a prosecutor, Josh T. Crain knows what tactics the prosecution will try and what defenses will be the most effective. To schedule your initial consultation, contact us by calling (615) 697-6178 or by filling out the online contact form.