Campus Crimes Criminal Defense DUI Drug PossessionYEAR
Five Items to Know if You’ve Been Arrested for Drug Possession
Here’s what you should know if you’ve been arrested for drug possession
It’s no secret one of the many important roles of law enforcement in the US revolves around drugs. While it isn’t as crucial as stopping violent crimes, taking a strong approach to illegal substances is the only way to make sure people follow the law and keep themselves safe, and this means many people end up being arrested for drug possession in the US.
The way this sort of issue will impact you varies from state to state, but this article will be focusing on Tennessee.
To help with your drug possession charge, it explores a few of the key items that you need to be aware of before you get caught, giving you the chance to work the situation into a more favorable one from the beginning. Being arrested for drug possession is always serious, but you can make it less so with the right work.
Dealing With the Police
At this point, a lot of police officers in the US are tired of dealing with drug charges. This can result in them having very little patience for those that are caught with drugs, and it can be easy for those getting arrested to react badly to this.
You should always work diligently to be polite and cooperative when you are caught in possession of an illegal substance. Not only will this help to reduce the perceived threat you pose to the officers, but it will also reflect well on you if bodycam footage is ever shown in court. It will be much easier for your attorney to paint your drug possession as a one-time issue if you show remorse from the very first part of your arrest.
Understanding the Penalties
The type of penalty you receive when found in possession of drugs in Tennessee depends on the drug itself.
Cannabis, for example, can result in a citation that doesn’t impact your permanent record if it is your first offense, though it can be more serious than this.
When it is your first offense, you are most likely to be charged with a Class A misdemeanor when found in possession of drugs in Tennessee. This can come with up to 1 year of jail time and a fine of up to $2,500. This will stay the same for your second charge of cannabis possession, though other illegal substances will automatically become a Class E felony with the potential of 1 to 6 years in prison and a fine up to $3,000. A third cannabis charge will also become a felony.
Finding an Attorney
The attorney you choose to support you through your drug possession conviction can often make a very big difference to the outcome of this sort of case. It’s well worth looking for an attorney that has the right level of experience to help with your case, with options like Joshua T. Crain being a good choice for those dealing with drug convictions. You can find a wealth of resources on the web that can help you pick the right attorney for your case.
Working With an Attorney
For most people, working with an attorney on a criminal case is a very rare experience. This can make it hard to feel comfortable and be honest with your legal support, though it’s always worth being open and keeping in mind that this professional is here to help you. Your attorney will only ask for information that will help with your case, and the law prevents them from telling anyone about things you would like to keep a secret.
Your Future With a Drug Possession Conviction
Drug possession charges can end up having a major impact on your future.
Misdemeanors aren’t as serious as felonies, but they will still stay on your record until you have them expunged or they expire. This sort of record can prevent you from working in certain fields, like law enforcement or with children, and it can also make it harder for you to use financial products like insurance. This is all the more reason to look for a good lawyer to help you when you are facing drug possession charges.
As you can see, Tennessee drug possession laws are quite serious. Attorneys like Joshua T. Crain can help you through this process, making the impact of your conviction less severe while also helping you to overcome the legal challenges that can come with an issue like this.